Corporate and Small Business Seminars
As an owner, or human resource/safety employee are you concerned for the safety of your workers? Are you interested in them attending an educational and empowering seminar? RSD provides your female workers with a protection strategy. You can arrange for one RSD session or a series of shorter sessions.
Secondary/Post Secondary School Programs
RSD training is not only about physical self defense techniques. Though the physical techniques are designed specially for females, we also instruct avoidance training. If the choice is to avoid physical confrontation or to fight, which is the wisest and most likely to leave you uninjured? Young women need role models, they need guidance and direction from an instructor that understands their fears, concerns and physical limitations.
Fund Raising Seminars
I believe strongly in sharing knowledge, helping others, and giving back. Because of this I offer a two-hour seminar to help you raise money. You provide the space and the women – I will teach for FREE.
“Deb raised almost $1000.00 for my cause which was Leukemia research”. D.A.
Seminar Content
You will learn about the following at a Realistic Self Defense Seminar with me:
- Physical Training: How to strike and what to strike. Basic releases from common grabs and holds. Practical to learn and easy to recall.
- Awareness Training: How aware are you, your family and friends? What to watch for, how to become less vulnerable.
- Avoidance Training: Steer away from trouble.
- Lets Be Realistic: What self defense techniques are you actually able to apply under extremely stressful encounters? Seminars verse ongoing training.
- Empowerment: Women’s strengths verse an attackers weaknesses. How you can transfer Realistic Self Defense principles to your daily life. Drawing strength and learning from other powerful women.
- Personal Safety: Your daily life. What have you done to reduce the odds that you/your family could be the victim of a violent crime? The obvious and the not so obvious.
- Home and Work Safety: The two locations that you spend most of your life. How can you make them more safe?
- Automobile Safety Strategies: How much time do you spend in your vehicle?
- Managing Fear and Responding: Fight or flight or the deer in the headlights look?